Helping our homeless

A step toward solving the crisis among homeless families in Bermuda

I am not homeless. I just have to stay with my mom’s friends. We move a lot. I’m ok, but it’s hard getting to school from different places. It’s confusing. I feel sad because my mom is sad.
- Jameira, 8 years old

A story of need and giving hope

Every night, scores of children and their families in Bermuda can’t curl up in comfortable and secure beds. These families face the daily task of wondering where they might sleep tonight.


Barely getting by

They typically spend a few nights with friends, maybe a relative here or there, but inevitably have to move on, searching for another generous or willing soul to take them in or face the prospect of sleeping in an abandoned building or car. 

Unforeseen circumstances

These families did not choose to be homeless; they were made homeless by a series of circumstances that too many Bermuda families could also face by the next paycheck.

Fear of losing their children

They are not visible to most Bermudians as they are remarkably adept at hiding their circumstances. Of particular significance, mothers are concerned that their children will be taken from them because they are homeless.

Homelessness is a situation of a family or individual without stable, permanent, appropriate housing or the means of acquiring it.

A step in the right direction

The Transformational Living Centre for families is a first step in addressing this growing but largely hidden problem in Bermuda

The magnitude of the problem is generally known only to those in government and charitable organisations that provide direct services to this population. It was through consultation with these agencies that we were able to determine the very concerning extent of the problem. These details are contained in our report:
‘Family Homelessness in Bermuda.’

 Who are our Families?

TLC icon - Bermuda families in need of housing

Female Headed

Our target families are usually female headed and those who have found themselves without a consistent form of shelter for a variety of reasons.

TLC icon - Bermuda families in need of housing

Lack Of Finance

Lack of finance is a major factor as there is a very significant shortage of affordable housing in Bermuda. Making matters worse, the skill level many of the breadwinners bring to the table is not sufficient to command a wage commensurate with a high cost of living.

TLC icon - Bermuda families in need of housing


Unemployment correlates heavily with this population and with that goes a lack of medical insurance, which can envelope a family with crushing debt if any of the family members become seriously ill.

TLC icon - Bermuda families in need of housing

Seeking Independence

These families have a desire to become more independent and self-sufficient. The facility will provide a comprehensive range of services and opportunities, including but not limited to: counselling, substance and alcohol education, job readiness, further education, training and life skills.

A Powerful Partnership

Two leading organizations have come together to make this dream a reality.


The hardware

Habitat for Humanity BDA

Founded in 2000, Habitat for Humanity Bermuda is an affiliate of Habitat International. Since its inception, Habitat has completed more than 100 projects on the Island, securing homes for more than 400 family members.

Because of the high cost of purchasing land or executing new builds, Habitat has focused on repairing, refurbishing and, in some cases, enlarging family homes.

These were dwellings that were derelict, unsafe or otherwise inadequate for the resident families.

As an all-volunteer organisation with no paid staff and huge support from local suppliers, Habitat continues to complete projects well below market cost.

As a partner in the TLC for Families project, Habitat is responsible for the design and renovation of the facility.


- PLUS -

The software

Women’s Resource Centre

For over 30 years, the Women’s Resource Centre (WRC) has been a place of refuge and support for women and their families who have found themselves in difficult situations.

The WRC has more clearly defined our strategic plan to fulfil our mission through a more proactive approach, as a centralised, collaborative resource for women of all ages to help build resiliency, navigate life’s challenges and opportunities, and empower them through life transitions.

As a partner in the TLC for Families project, the WRC piloted The Transformational Support Services Program which includes needs assessments, empowerment education (development programmes), academic and life skills training, employability skills development, as well as ongoing support for women who have a desire to reach their full potential. The programme will be individualised according to client needs. The Pilot Program was sponsored by HSBC Ltd.


 TLC Timeline

TLC Overview

Mission of The TLC Program;

The Transformational Living Centre (TLC) for Families empowers, transforms and supports women and their children to move beyond poverty, through a safe and healing environment that promotes growth, transformation and sustainability.

Community needs addressed by the Program;

The aim of the programme is to help women who are unemployed, under educated and homeless (and generally underperforming in life) attain gainful employment to provide for themselves and their children. The program includes needs assessments, empowerment education, job training, employability skills development and wrap around support services. Participants will initially go through a needs assessment to determine any specific needs to be addressed.  

Description of General Operations;

The Transformational Living Centre (TLC) for Families opened its doors on February 1st 2022

After receiving the go ahead for occupancy, all of the preparation and teamwork came together, with an emotional day of Moms and their children entering their new home for the next 24 months of their lives.

The TLC opened at 50% occupancy for safety reasons, to protect Guests from having to leave the facility should they need to quarantine. There is a stringent testing program onsite to promote a Covid free environment. There was a very soft opening which was a very emotional day for everyone, including Guests and Staff members. It was a time of discovery, relief, healing and exploration of new hopes and dreams. As well as discovery for TLC Director and Staff.

Moms and their children once tested, were introduced to Staff members and paired with a ‘Buddy’ who introduced them to the expectations and opportunities available to them over the next 24 months. They were then shown to their rooms that are quite adequately set up according to the family demographic (beds and rooms set-up to accommodate the number of children in the Family).

The Transformational Support Services Program (the educational and restorative component) commenced in March and includes assessments as well as a comprehensive Education and Life Skills immersion, which will be delivered by a collaboration of services (using community partners), to ensure any woman transitioning through the programme will have every opportunity to receive the education, transformative life skills training and support that enables her to move forward with strength, confidence and stability, thereby equipping their families with a more sustainable chance at a productive life.

Participants will initially go through a needs assessment to understand and design a response tailored for their specific needs for example counseling. They will also go through literacy and numerical assessment and placement tests.

The entire program is for up to 24 months. At 24 months the Guest Families will hopefully be able to graduate with a job, to a more independent and sustainable lifestyle.